magento how to add new attribute for all product manualy by php code

magento how to add new attribute for all product manualy by php code

this below link given by Raghuvendera this is really help full

How to add custom fields for Order Line Items with price in magento

Work Flow to add custom Field to Order line Item
Use this url to add to cart: Ex:
1. checkout_cart_item_default.phtml:::
Add the following below product name
<dl class=”item-options Kiran” id=”checkout_cart_item_default”>
<dt>Training Location</dt>
<dd><?php echo $_item->getTrainingLocation(); ?></dd>
2. Table: sales_flat_quote_item
Add field: training_location
3. Product Detailed Page: Add training_location text field as input
4. Code -> Core -> Mage -> Sales -> Model -> Quote.php
Find: public function addItem(Mage_Sales_Model_Quote_Item $item)
Add: $item->setTrainingLocation($_REQUEST['training_location']);
Befoe: $item->setQuote($this);
5. Table: sales_flat_order_item
Add field: training_location
6. XML: code_core_mage_sales_etc_config.xml
ADD: <training_location><to_order_item>*</to_order_item></training_location>
Between: <sales_convert_quote_item> and </sales_convert_quote_item>
Also Add:
Between: <sales_convert_order_item> and </sales_convert_order_item>
—— Show The Info In Various Locations ——
To show in admin orders area
7. app_design_adminHTML_default_default_template_sales_order_view_items_renderer_default.phtml
<?php if($_item->getTrainingLocation()): ?>
<?php echo “<strong>Training Location:</strong> “.$_item->getTrainingLocation(); ?>
<?php endif; ?>
Below: <?php echo $this->getColumnHtml($_item, ‘name’) ?>
8. To Show in Checkout/Order review Page
Add: <?php if ($_item->getTrainingLocation()):?>
<dl class=”item-options Kiran” id=”checkout_cart_item_default”>
<dt>Training Location</dt>
<dd><?php echo $_item->getTrainingLocation(); ?></dd>
<?php endif; ?>
Below: <h3 class=”product-name”><?php echo $this->htmlEscape($this->getProductName()) ?></h3>
9. To show in Myorders view page
Add: <?php if ($_item->getTrainingLocation()):?>
<dl class=”item-options Kiran” id=”checkout_cart_item_default”>
<dt>Training Location</dt>
<dd><?php echo $_item->getTrainingLocation(); ?></dd>
<?php endif; ?>
Below: <h3 class=”product-name”><?php echo $this->htmlEscape($_item->getName()) ?></h3>
Usefull Links:
Use like below in product view page
<input type=”text”title=”Qty” value=”My Test Location” maxlength=”12″ id=”training_location” name=”training_location”>

please let me know how can i add also price with this attribute thanx advance 

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