5. What step during the layout loading is the node processed?

5. What step during the layout loading is the node processed?

A. After the generation of layout blocks.

B. Vefore the generation of layout update XML, but after the generation of layout blocks.

C. Before the generation of layout blocks, but after the generation of layout XML.

D. After the generation of layout blocks, but before rendering the page.

Magento 2 | How can we use jQuery without "require(['jquery'],function($){" this code.

Magento 2 | How can we use jQuery without "require(['jquery'],function($){" this code.

We have face problem we implement some slider and also we have wrighten many script in phtml.
If we add the jquery library then magento is giving the error in core files and all script are stopped accept my cutome script once i remove the the jquery library
then core script are working but my custom script are not working its giving jquery not define you can see error below screenshots.

Magento 2 | How to set production mode manually

In magento 2 probubly have permission issues with server. if you are not able to set production mode by CLI command you can follow below changes.

open your magento 2 root dirctory, Open file "/app/etc/evn.php" and search "'MAGE_MODE' =>". you can change your mgento mode here manually.

CLI command for production mode

magento deploy:mode:set production

CLI command for developer mode

magento deploy:mode:set developer

Magento 2 | how to see current magento mode

Display the current mode

User below commnad for make sure which mode currently are nunning.

php bin/magento deploy:mode:show

How to check if Magento is running in production mode or developer mode

If you want to know. your Magento 2 website is running on which environment you can run below command on terminal and very easily you can kn...

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