How to use magento 1 customer password in magento 2

 Magento 1 use MD5 hash to encrypt the password and Magento 2 use SHA-256.

In Magento 1, they use Mage_Core_Model_Encryption class with following functions.

Magento 1 generate hash by md5(salt + password) and save in database with 1 colon like $password-hash : $salt.

Magento 2 has changed logic and written in vendor/magento/framework/Encryption/Encryptor.php

Magento 2 generate hash like hash(‘sha256’, $salt . $password); and save with 2 colons in database like

$password-hash : $salt: $version

You have to override Encryptor class via di.xml with some private functions in your module.


 * Class Encryptor provides basic logic for hashing strings and encrypting/decrypting misc data


class Encryptor extends \Magento\Framework\Encryption\Encryptor



* @var array map of hash versions


private $hashVersionMap = [

self::HASH_VERSION_MD5 => 'md5',

self::HASH_VERSION_SHA256 => 'sha256'



* @var array map of password hash


private $passwordHashMap = [

self::PASSWORD_HASH => '',

self::PASSWORD_SALT => '',




* @param string $hash

* @return array


private function explodePasswordHash($hash)


$explodedPassword = explode(self::DELIMITER, $hash, 3);

foreach ($this->passwordHashMap as $key => $defaultValue) {

$this->passwordHashMap[$key] = (isset($explodedPassword[$key])) ? $explodedPassword[$key] : $defaultValue;


return $this->passwordHashMap;



* @return string


private function getPasswordHash()


return (string)$this->passwordHashMap[self::PASSWORD_HASH];



* @return string


private function getPasswordSalt()


return (string)$this->passwordHashMap[self::PASSWORD_SALT];



* @return array


private function getPasswordVersion()


return array_map('intval', explode(self::DELIMITER, $this->passwordHashMap[self::PASSWORD_VERSION]));



     * @inheritdoc


    public function isValidHash($password, $hash)




        $hashs = explode(":", $hash);

        if(count($hashs) == 2){

        $password = md5($this->getPasswordSalt() . $password);



        foreach ($this->getPasswordVersion() as $hashVersion) {

        $password = $this->hash($this->getPasswordSalt() . $password, $hashVersion);




        //print $password . " ". $this->getPasswordHash(); die;

        return Security::compareStrings(







Now Magento 1 user will able to login their old password. New customers password logic will remain same.

Magento 2 : How do create Setup/InstallSchema.php?

Install Script: InstallSchema & InstallData

The InstallSchema and InstallData classes will be run during the module install.
The InstallSchema setup script in magento 2 will be use to change the database schema (create or change database table). This’s the setup script to create the m2commerce_adminlog_post table:
File: app/code/M2commerce/Adminlog/Setup/InstallSchema.php

namespace M2commerce\Adminlog\Setup;

class InstallSchema implements \Magento\Framework\Setup\InstallSchemaInterface

 public function install(\Magento\Framework\Setup\SchemaSetupInterface $setup, \Magento\Framework\Setup\ModuleContextInterface $context)
  $installer = $setup;
  if (!$installer->tableExists('m2commerce_adminlog_post')) {
   $table = $installer->getConnection()->newTable(
      'identity' => true,
      'nullable' => false,
      'primary'  => true,
      'unsigned' => true,
     'Post ID'
     ['nullable => false'],
     'Post Name'
     'Post URL Key'
     'Post Post Content'
     'Post Tags'
     'Post Status'
     'Post Featured Image'
     ['nullable' => false, 'default' => \Magento\Framework\DB\Ddl\Table::TIMESTAMP_INIT],
     'Created At'
     ['nullable' => false, 'default' => \Magento\Framework\DB\Ddl\Table::TIMESTAMP_INIT_UPDATE],
     'Updated At')
    ->setComment('Post Table');

     ['name', 'url_key', 'post_content', 'tags', 'featured_image'],
    ['name', 'url_key', 'post_content', 'tags', 'featured_image'],
Looking into this file we will see:
The class must extend \Magento\Framework\Setup\InstallSchemaInterface
The class must have install() method with 2 arguments SchemaSetupInterface and ModuleContextInterface. The SchemaSetupInterface is the setup object which provide many function to interact with database server. The ModuleContextInterface has only 1 method getVersion() which will return the current version of your module.
In the example above, we create a table named m2commerce_adminlog_post with columns: post_id, name, post_content, created_at ....
InstallData will be run after the InstallSchema class to add data to the database table.
File: app/code/M2commerce/Adminlog/Setup/InstallData.php

namespace m2commerce\Adminlog\Setup;

use Magento\Framework\Setup\InstallDataInterface;
use Magento\Framework\Setup\ModuleContextInterface;
use Magento\Framework\Setup\ModuleDataSetupInterface;

class InstallData implements InstallDataInterface
 protected $_postFactory;

 public function __construct(\M2commerce\Adminlog\Model\PostFactory $postFactory)
  $this->_postFactory = $postFactory;

 public function install(ModuleDataSetupInterface $setup, ModuleContextInterface $context)
  $data = [
   'name'         => "How to Create SQL Setup Script in Magento 2",
   'post_content' => "In this article, we will find out how to install and upgrade sql script for module in Magento 2. When you install or upgrade a module, you may need to change the database structure or add some new data for current table. To do this, Magento 2 provide you some classes which you can do all of them.",
   'url_key'      => '/magento-2-module-development/magento-2-how-to-create-sql-setup-script.html',
   'tags'         => 'magento 2,m2commerce helloworld',
   'status'       => 1
  $post = $this->_postFactory->create();
This class will have the same concept as InstallSchema.

Upgrade Script: UpgradeSchema & UpgradeData

The both of this files will run when the module is installed or upgraded. This classes is difference with the Install classes because they will run every time the module upgrade. So we will need to check the attribute setup_version in module.xml at app/code/M2commerce/Adminlog/etc/ and separate the script by each version.
In this example, we will change the attrubute setup_version to 1.2.0
File: app/code/M2commerce/Adminlog/etc/module.xml
Contents would be:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<config xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="urn:magento:framework:Module/etc/module.xsd">
    <module name="M2commerce_Adminlog" setup_version="1.2.0">

Upgrade Schema:

File: app/code/M2commerce/Adminlog/Setup/UpgradeSchema.php
namespace M2commerce\Adminlog\Setup;

use Magento\Framework\Setup\UpgradeSchemaInterface;
use Magento\Framework\Setup\SchemaSetupInterface;
use Magento\Framework\Setup\ModuleContextInterface;

class UpgradeSchema implements UpgradeSchemaInterface
 public function upgrade( SchemaSetupInterface $setup, ModuleContextInterface $context ) {
  $installer = $setup;


  if(version_compare($context->getVersion(), '1.2.0', '<')) {
    $installer->getTable( 'mageplaza_helloworld_post' ),
     'type' => \Magento\Framework\DB\Ddl\Table::TYPE_DECIMAL,
     'nullable' => true,
     'length' => '12,4',
     'comment' => 'test',
     'after' => 'status'


In this class, we use the upgrade() method which will be run every time the module is upgraded. We also have to compare the version to add the script for each version.

Upgrade Data:

This will same with the UpgradeSchema class
File: app/code/M2commerce/Adminlog/Setup/UpgradeData.php

namespace M2commerce\Adminlog\Setup;

use Magento\Framework\Setup\UpgradeDataInterface;
use Magento\Framework\Setup\ModuleDataSetupInterface;
use Magento\Framework\Setup\ModuleContextInterface;

class UpgradeData implements UpgradeDataInterface
 protected $_postFactory;

 public function __construct(\M2commerce\Adminlog\Model\PostFactory $postFactory)
  $this->_postFactory = $postFactory;

 public function upgrade(ModuleDataSetupInterface $setup, ModuleContextInterface $context)
  if (version_compare($context->getVersion(), '1.2.0', '<')) {
   $data = [
    'name'         => "Magento 2 Events",
    'post_content' => "This article will talk about Events List in Magento 2. As you know, Magento 2 is using the events driven architecture which will help too much to extend the Magento functionality. We can understand this event as a kind of flag that rises when a specific situation happens. We will use an example module Mageplaza_HelloWorld to exercise this lesson.",
    'url_key'      => '/magento-2-module-development/magento-2-events.html',
    'tags'         => 'magento 2,mageplaza helloworld',
    'status'       => 1
   $post = $this->_postFactory->create();

Recurring Script

The recurring script is a script which will be run after the module setup script every time the command line php bin/magento setup:upgrade run.
This script will be defined same as InstallSchema class but difference in name of the class. The example for this class you can see in vendor/magento/module-indexer/Setup/Recurring.php

Uninstall Script

Magento 2 provide us the uninstall module feature which will remove all of the table, data like it hadn’t installed yet. This’s the example for this class:
File: app/code/M2commerce/Adminlog/Setup/Uninstall.php
namespace Mageplaza\HelloWorld\Setup;

use Magento\Framework\Setup\UninstallInterface;
use Magento\Framework\Setup\SchemaSetupInterface;
use Magento\Framework\Setup\ModuleContextInterface;

class Uninstall implements UninstallInterface
 public function uninstall(SchemaSetupInterface $setup, ModuleContextInterface $context)
  $installer = $setup;



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