magento insert and update and delet and all querys

It is very easy to select, insert, delete and update the record in magento site. following functions are helpful in magento site for database queries. You can also use this function outside magento environment with the help pf include “Mage.php” file form “app” folder like.
This is very simple to get data from database of magento site to frontend of magento site or another sites

  1. require_once '../../app/Mage.php';
  2. Mage::app('default');
Select query to get the value form table
  1. $connection = Mage::getSingleton('core/resource')
  2. ->getConnection('core_read');
  3. $select = $connection->select()
  4. ->from('tablename', array('*')) // select * from tablename or use array('id','name') selected values
  5. ->where('id=?',1)               // where id =1
  6. ->group('name');         // group by name
  7. $rowsArray = $connection->fetchAll($select); // return all rows
  8. $rowArray =$connection->fetchRow($select);   //return row
insert query
  1. $connection = Mage::getSingleton('core/resource')
  2. ->getConnection('core_write');
  3. $connection->beginTransaction();
  4. $fields = array();
  5. $fields['name']= 'test';
  6. $fields['age']='25';
  7. $connection->insert('tablename', $fields);
  8. $connection->commit();
update query
  1. $connection = Mage::getSingleton('core/resource')
  2. ->getConnection('core_write');
  3. $connection->beginTransaction();
  4. $fields = array();
  5. $fields['name'] = 'jony';
  6. $where = $connection->quoteInto('id =?', '1');
  7. $connection->update('tablename', $fields, $where);
  8. $connection->commit();
delete query
  1. $condition = array($connection->quoteInto('id=?', '1'));
  2. $connection->delete('tablename', $condition);

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