Magento tranjectional mail with variable by template id

Magento tranjectional mail with variable by template id

Magento Group product configrable product assign prices

Looks like you are using SCP or the SimpleConfigurable products extension. That is known to cause issues. Please try the following:

comment out lines 104-106 of /skin/frontend/base/default/js/scp_product_extension.js. However this may affect how SCP operates.
so this code:

Product.Config.prototype.updateFormProductId = function(productId){
if (!productId)
{ return false; }
var currentAction = $('product_addtocart_form').action;
newcurrentAction = currentAction.sub(/product\/\d+\//, 'product/' + productId + '/');
$('product_addtocart_form').action = newcurrentAction;
$('product_addtocart_form').product.value = productId;

looks like this:

Product.Config.prototype.updateFormProductId = function(productId){
if (!productId) { return false; }
var currentAction = $('product_addtocart_form').action;
//newcurrentAction = currentAction.sub(/product\/\d+\//, 'product/' + productId + '/');
//$('product_addtocart_form').action = newcurrentAction;
//$('product_addtocart_form').product.value = productId;

How to remove decimal price in magento

  • Open  code/core/Mage/Directory/Model/Currency.php
  •  Find the following :-
 public function format($price$options=array(), $includeContainer = true, $addBrackets = false)
        return $this->formatPrecision($price, 2, $options$includeContainer, $addBrackets);

on line no 194
change this code to:-

 public function format($price$options=array(), $includeContainer = true, $addBrackets = false)
        return $this->formatPrecision($price, 0, $options$includeContainer, $addBrackets);

magento how to add new attribute for all product manualy by php code

magento how to add new attribute for all product manualy by php code

this below link given by Raghuvendera this is really help full

How to add custom fields for Order Line Items with price in magento

Work Flow to add custom Field to Order line Item
Use this url to add to cart: Ex:
1. checkout_cart_item_default.phtml:::
Add the following below product name
<dl class=”item-options Kiran” id=”checkout_cart_item_default”>
<dt>Training Location</dt>
<dd><?php echo $_item->getTrainingLocation(); ?></dd>
2. Table: sales_flat_quote_item
Add field: training_location
3. Product Detailed Page: Add training_location text field as input
4. Code -> Core -> Mage -> Sales -> Model -> Quote.php
Find: public function addItem(Mage_Sales_Model_Quote_Item $item)
Add: $item->setTrainingLocation($_REQUEST['training_location']);
Befoe: $item->setQuote($this);
5. Table: sales_flat_order_item
Add field: training_location
6. XML: code_core_mage_sales_etc_config.xml
ADD: <training_location><to_order_item>*</to_order_item></training_location>
Between: <sales_convert_quote_item> and </sales_convert_quote_item>
Also Add:
Between: <sales_convert_order_item> and </sales_convert_order_item>
—— Show The Info In Various Locations ——
To show in admin orders area
7. app_design_adminHTML_default_default_template_sales_order_view_items_renderer_default.phtml
<?php if($_item->getTrainingLocation()): ?>
<?php echo “<strong>Training Location:</strong> “.$_item->getTrainingLocation(); ?>
<?php endif; ?>
Below: <?php echo $this->getColumnHtml($_item, ‘name’) ?>
8. To Show in Checkout/Order review Page
Add: <?php if ($_item->getTrainingLocation()):?>
<dl class=”item-options Kiran” id=”checkout_cart_item_default”>
<dt>Training Location</dt>
<dd><?php echo $_item->getTrainingLocation(); ?></dd>
<?php endif; ?>
Below: <h3 class=”product-name”><?php echo $this->htmlEscape($this->getProductName()) ?></h3>
9. To show in Myorders view page
Add: <?php if ($_item->getTrainingLocation()):?>
<dl class=”item-options Kiran” id=”checkout_cart_item_default”>
<dt>Training Location</dt>
<dd><?php echo $_item->getTrainingLocation(); ?></dd>
<?php endif; ?>
Below: <h3 class=”product-name”><?php echo $this->htmlEscape($_item->getName()) ?></h3>
Usefull Links:
Use like below in product view page
<input type=”text”title=”Qty” value=”My Test Location” maxlength=”12″ id=”training_location” name=”training_location”>

please let me know how can i add also price with this attribute thanx advance 

Mysql trigger query

Adding order item to orders grid in Magento

Adding order item to orders grid in Magento

magento order viedw how to add new filster coloume ?

magento order viedw how to add new filster coloume ?

Magento how to mail in magento php script

Magento how to mail in magento php script ?

how to add new filter magento admin order filter by country

magento admin order filter by country

please give me php code for magento


magen i add new $this->addColumn for filter but value not showing ?

magento php code for discount whithout coupone code

i was try to many time to discount first time 20% any purchasing but i did not get any code for discount
please help me give me any idea how can i resolve this functionality without coupon code discount to customer

How do i call .phtml block at specfic page in magento?

below code for simple cms page

{{block type='core/template' name='Test' template='goodtest/test.phtml'}} 
and this below code is for php file

How do i call .phtml block at specfic page in magento?

below code for simple cms page

{{block type='core/template' name='Test' template='goodtest/test.phtml'}} 
and this below code is for  

How do i call .phtml block at specfic page in magento?

below code for simple cms page

{{block type='core/template' name='Test' template='goodtest/test.phtml'}} 
and this below code is for php file
  echo $this->getLayout()->createBlock('core/template')->setTemplate('goodtest/test.phtml')->toHtml();

banner slider

magento insert and update and delet and all querys

It is very easy to select, insert, delete and update the record in magento site. following functions are helpful in magento site for database queries. You can also use this function outside magento environment with the help pf include “Mage.php” file form “app” folder like.
This is very simple to get data from database of magento site to frontend of magento site or another sites

  1. require_once '../../app/Mage.php';
  2. Mage::app('default');
Select query to get the value form table
  1. $connection = Mage::getSingleton('core/resource')
  2. ->getConnection('core_read');
  3. $select = $connection->select()
  4. ->from('tablename', array('*')) // select * from tablename or use array('id','name') selected values
  5. ->where('id=?',1)               // where id =1
  6. ->group('name');         // group by name
  7. $rowsArray = $connection->fetchAll($select); // return all rows
  8. $rowArray =$connection->fetchRow($select);   //return row
insert query
  1. $connection = Mage::getSingleton('core/resource')
  2. ->getConnection('core_write');
  3. $connection->beginTransaction();
  4. $fields = array();
  5. $fields['name']= 'test';
  6. $fields['age']='25';
  7. $connection->insert('tablename', $fields);
  8. $connection->commit();
update query
  1. $connection = Mage::getSingleton('core/resource')
  2. ->getConnection('core_write');
  3. $connection->beginTransaction();
  4. $fields = array();
  5. $fields['name'] = 'jony';
  6. $where = $connection->quoteInto('id =?', '1');
  7. $connection->update('tablename', $fields, $where);
  8. $connection->commit();
delete query
  1. $condition = array($connection->quoteInto('id=?', '1'));
  2. $connection->delete('tablename', $condition);

magento file uploading error http error

i analyses that media folder should me right-able i mean permission should be 7777

and other think is .htaccess permission

## adjust memory limit

#    php_value memory_limit 64M
    php_value memory_limit 256M
    php_value max_execution_time 18000

###############R A V I ###################
#php_value upload_max_filesize 712M
php_value post_max_size 712M

php_value upload_max_filesize 712M
php_value max_execution_time 2000
php_value max_input_time 2000
php_value memory_limit 512M
###############P U N I T ###################

Phone SMS: Hasna jamara kisi ko gawara nahi hota,Har musafir ...

Phone SMS: Hasna jamara kisi ko gawara nahi hota,Har musafir ...: Hasna jamara kisi ko gawara nahi hota, Har musafir zindagi ka sahara nahi hota, Milte hain bahot insaan is tanha is zindagi mein, ...

Phone SMS: Milta nahi hai pyaar aasani se zindagi me,Mera nas...

Phone SMS: Milta nahi hai pyaar aasani se zindagi me,Mera nas...: Milta nahi hai pyaar aasani se zindagi me, Mera nasib bhi kabhi khola tha khuda ne, Par ab to dil mein Patjhad hi hain, Fir bhi a...

hot to get actual value when we have inc tax value and percent ?

Inc tax amount = 999

Tax  = 12.5%

Actual value = x

1.       X+(12.5)/100 =999

2.       100x+12.5x/100 =999

3.       112.5x = 99900

4.       X = 99900/112.5

5.       X = 888

Your actual value = 888

Your tax = 999-888 = 111

Short  900*100/(12.5+100)=888

by ankit and abhay

How to check if Magento is running in production mode or developer mode

If you want to know. your Magento 2 website is running on which environment you can run below command on terminal and very easily you can kn...

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